The Challenge
AON Centre for Innovation & Analytics which was providing services to AON, one of the global insurance companies, requested an expert review of their internal analytics product.
ACIA leadership identified certain challenges and concerns, which they wished to verify, analysed and resolved. The solutions had to be proposed in a form of recommendations.
Our Solution
The in-depth review of the Analytics product was delivered to the client. The report was pointing out the product weaknesses from Product & Experience Design points of view.
The extensive user research was conducted involving a large international group of the insurance experts. The participants represented different levels and units within the organisation. The interviews with the participants highlighted the actual problems with the use of the analytics product. Discrepancies between the product offering, the industry standards, the actual needs of the users were documented and analysed. Recommendations were made.
Skills Used
Research, User Interviews, UX / CX Design, Digital Transformation
The Result
AON / ACIA took the recommendation on board.